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Our services – your advantages.

Conceived as a network for industrial companies originating in the Ruhr East region, NIRO provides a wide selection of services that are uniquely geared towards the requirements of these manufacturing companies. Thanks to byNIRO GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of NIRO, all three stakeholders - NIRO member, byNIRO customer and interested companies - can benefit from enterprise-oriented services.

The services offered by NIRO are grouped into five service categories and listed on the following page. Access the page to find detailed information about the services and find out what specific benefits these services offer for your company.

The adjacent symbol indicates which service can be used by which stakeholder.

Services for ...
NIRO members
Interested companies

NIRO members  |  byNIRO customers

The figures speak for themselves: Since 2008, the first purchasing year, annual sales starting at EUR 800,000 were continuously increased. Currently, the purchasing pool achieved around EUR 35 million across all framework agreements – including energy. A clear-cut advantage in performance for all companies wanting to exploit savings potential.

Today, the member companies and byNIRO customers can draw upon 40 framework agreements for the purchase of indirect materials, energy and services and show substantial savings due to better terms and framework conditions. New framework agreements are added every year.

Currently, companies can save procurement costs in the following areas:

  • Production
  • Repair
  • Logistics
  • IT
  • Facility management
  • Fleet
  • Office organisation
  • Travel management

More information for non-members:

Contact: Insa Kunz

Für: NIRO members  |  byNIRO customers

Networking is the core competence of NIRO. So it’s self-evident that NIRO supports fast and efficient “e-procurement”, the electronic procurement form, within its scope of services.
Mainly indirect goods, e.g. operating equipment, electrical material, office supplies, etc., can be procured through the virtual acquisition platforms, which offer a comprehensive e-procurement portfolio.
Alongside multi-supplier catalogues that can be accessed directly, there is an option to set up individual catalogues with negotiated conditions. Hence the shared platform offers the greatest possible flexibility combined with economic advantages. With the connection to the company’s ERP system and the automation of many processes, e.g. the seamless exchange of business documents, optimisation effects in purchasing are boosted.

NIRO offers its groups of users the e-procurement solution “Mercateo”.

Find out more:

Contact: Ludmila Riewe

For: NIRO members | byNIRO customers | interested companies

“Courses in advanced training that are explicitly aligned to the needs of manufacturing companies.” The idea for the jointly-developed NIRO Academy is based on this desire on the part of member companies.

The goal of the NIRO Academy is to make high-quality solutions available on site for manufacturing companies. Hence the training events are custom-tailored to the requirements of this target group.

And the NIRO Academy is particularly innovative: As an advanced training academy for manufacturing companies, it follows a holistic approach to strengthen the personal skills and leadership skills of specialists and executives. In so doing, networking and the exchange of experience constitute vital elements of the advanced training events and are expressly desired. Because the shared experience supports participants sustainably in the change process.

In coordination with the company, the range of offers in advanced training is continuously broadened, evaluated at regular intervals; contents and organisational forms are adapted, if needed.

Find out more:

Contact: Insa Kunz

For: NIRO members

The Web-based knowledge management platform “NIRO Knowledge” provides member companies with several functions – and is interactive in a path-breaking way.

NIRO Knowledge offers member companies in the region extensive possibilities revolving around the documentation and exchange of expertise:

  • An extensive document and framework agreement management with the possibility for interaction.
  • Members have the option of contacting one another through extensive company and personal profiles, including stored contact data and information on expertise.
  • The “Search – Offer” forum gives member companies the opportunity to find experts, place requests in the members group or locate suitable cooperation partners.
  • The integrated calendar of events provides members with an overview of all network events and registered persons. With the automatic dispatch and reminder functions and a simple option for accepting or cancelling events, the administrative efforts on both sides are minimised.
  • NIRO Knowledge is also acommunication platform: Company events, training courses and press releases can be published on the platform by around 600 experts at present. With the weekly Newsletter, current activities in the network are communicated to the members specific to the technical area.

For members: NIRO Knowledge

Contact: Anna Rommel

For: NIRO members | byNIRO customers | interested companies


Companies are just like individuals. They differ in legal form, size, level of development, in-house corporate culture, experience and much more.

What they all have in common, though, is their ambition to achieve the economic goals they set in order to survive on the market in the long term. The implementation of the goals is done in different ways and in different areas – more or less successfully.

Through the exchange of experience with other companies, members can “learn” from one another. Detours on the way to the goal can be avoided.

For this reason, a crucial feature of all NIRO events is that individual concerns are picked up and solutions are found with the active support generated by the mutual exchange of ideas and experience. In common with byNIRO GmbH, NIRO regularly offers meetings focusing on specific topics. Interested companies, NIRO members and byNIRO customers exchange experience and discuss ideas in the areas of purchasing, personnel and production. This inspires many companies to look for new ideas and solutions.

Contact: Anna Rommel