Standing out from your competition requires that companies break new ground and distinguish themselves with innovative marketing. Professional brand development and brand management are effective means to provide internal and external orientation. Those in charge of marketing are confronted with the enormous challenge of providing guidance in times of information overkill and uncertainty.
The ability to develop a brand and manage it in a targeted manner is of paramount importance. NIRO supplies their member companies with the means to master this task. NIRO arranges for workshops and work groups that allow for a lively exchange of experience regarding the latest trends in marketing, e.g. “online marketing” or “social media”.
NIRO joins those who belong together Representing all participating companies at trade shows and conferences as well as in the print and online media with their own brand presence, NIRO establishes important contacts and relationships.
However, NIRO offers its marketing support not only to its own members. NIRO itself pursues clearly defined marketing goals. One of these goals is to maintain the leading industrial network in the Ruhr East region and establish and foster the prominence of the participating companies both on the national and the international level. To this end, NIRO set out its own brand values combined with its own unique market positioning in 2008. The brand presence derived from these definitions communicates such values as value proposition, dynamic, competence and trust. Really simple – yet entirely different.
NIRO – The Dynamic Difference
Dr. Anja Zühlsdorf
Human Resources, Marketing, Communication
T. +49 2303 936127-5
F. +49 2303 936127-9